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Investing in options has many advantages. The most important is that the investor receives a fixed return if he wins the option and ends up in the money or in the money, which would be the translation in Spanish.

Thanks to the reimbursement of a percentage of the investment in case of losses, we will never lose the total capital invested. In general, practically all binary options platforms offer this option and the percentage of return usually ranges between 10% -15%. (Not all brokers have this type of returns)

On the other hand, the profitability of these options is usually quite high, up to 70% -91% of profits. (According to the broker and as long as the prediction is correct).

To start investing we will first have to register in a platform that offers binary options. Taking a look at this website we can find some reliable and to know them a little better we can also read the reviews.
To invest we will find two types of options: “Calls” that are options of purchase and “Puts” options of sale.
With the first option, the investor will obtain benefits if the underlying asset increases in value on the expiration date (in the money), that is, if the market price is above the time at which it was purchased. On the contrary, it occurs with the second option where the investor will earn money if the price of the asset falls on the expiration of the investment (out of the money).

The main signs to take into account to make successful investments are the following: “Buy Long” which indicates that we must open the purchase position and “Exit Long” that we must sell it. Likewise, the “Sell Short” signal works to warn the investor that it will obtain benefits if the price drops and “Exit Short” warns us to close the sale position to limit the losses.

On the other hand, a binary options broker will serve as an intermediary to help us make decisions about our investments, so it is highly recommended to use them.

In addition, the more we read about binary options, market movements and news related to the financial sector much more prepared we will be to invest.

The best binaries in the market are on the Internet. The selection is very broad and among the most popular we have: foreign currency pairs, stock indices, commodities and stocks. You just have to know where we want to invest our money and do it, it’s easy.

But above all, having an investment strategy can help us earn much more, so it’s best to be well prepared.

In principle, the most common is to invest in binary options by buying a Call or Put option. Of course, we must know that when buying one option or another we will agree that the value of the investment will rise or fall on the due date.

Even so, with the return that they offer you if the investment expires “out of the money” we will not lose our investment altogether. But to prevent this from happening a good alternative are the strategies.

The most popular is to buy an option contrary to the one previously purchased, if we foresee that during its movement it will end up in reverse of the forecast at the time of making the investment.

Investing in the reverse trend can save us from losing all the capital, since in this way the losses will be more limited.

If otherwise we are sure that we will earn with our investment another strategy very used is to double the value of the investment buying another option of the same type.

Another strategy widely used by more experienced investors is to rely on the news because knowing how the market works and their movements can be anticipated to invest successfully. And we can also do it if we propose it, but first we have to start.

So, are you ready to enter the world of binary options?

10 tips to invest in binary options today

If you are going to trade in binary options I would like you to start on the right foot, and that is why in this article I want to give you some useful tips so that you can invest successfully.

1. Get involved in your training
Often many choose this financial instrument because it seems easy and is presented as an alternative to get money quickly. But not everything is as simple as it seems.

While its operation is simple and the objective is to predict the trend of prices to correct those trends is vital to collect the benefit offered by the operations, or not?

Binary options are an investment product, and how it also has its risks and we can not play at random just because we are offered two options to choose (CALL and PUT).

The beginner usually has luck, this is so, but it is also true that it usually does not last long. So if you do not get involved in your training, you will not be able to accumulate losses.

Therefore, and to avoid it, it is fundamental that your training is the first thing that you should worry about.

2. Practice with a demo account Demo
accounts are very useful to become familiar with trading with options and to develop in the markets with the peace of mind of operating without risk.
They also serve to implement strategies of which we are not very sure, and see if it gives us the results we were looking for or not to use later in the real account.

After getting involved in your learning and once you have the necessary knowledge to start trading with options, it will be time to act, but if you practice a little earlier and gain experience, your results are more likely to be much more favorable.

3. Define your profile and establish an investment plan
In the world of investments we can highlight different investor profiles, so first of all, it is important that you know what type of investor you are.
In this classification, the most notable are moderate investors and risk investors. You can probably situate yourself somewhere in between but something is clear:

  • If you like to negotiate with caution and take good care of your capital you are moderate.
  • If you anticipate the market looking for the best investment opportunities and act as soon as you are given the possibility and operating more capital then you are risky.
  • So, are you moderate or do you identify more with the risk investor profile?
    In the same way, and depending on your investment needs you will have to establish your investment plan, with the investment objectives and the capital that you want to invest.
  • It is important that you have a plan since otherwise you will be very lost in your trading sessions.

4. Learn how to manage risk and diversify capital.
By not being able to operate without risk of loss, you should try to be able to control as much as possible exposing yourself to such situations where the risk of loss is clear. You must operate with criteria and analyze the situation very well.

If you find yourself in doubt, the best thing you can do is not do anything, precisely with this you will avoid investing and making mistakes.
To manage capital it is important that you have several operations in the market, with smaller amounts and with a variety of underlying assets. As they say with a diversified portfolio, you can achieve an increase in your profits and reduce losses.

It is about looking first of all for a favorable situation to invest.

5. Control emotions
It is very likely that you are aware of the importance of emotions when it comes to investing. These can make us operate successfully at specific times but they can also bring serious consequences if we allow ourselves to be influenced by the wrong emotions.

Fear or ambition are pretty damaging feelings in the world of investments with options, or any other financial product.

For this reason we must have controlled emotions and always act with discipline, thinking very well our movements and not letting ourselves be influenced by any type of feeling or emotion that may affect our trading decisions.

6. Use the tools and sources of information.
As they say, the more you know about the options market, the more likely you are to invest with good results.

If you are going to operate in a selection of assets it is important that you know the situation of them, how their prices evolve and what kind of factors can influence their quotes. Being aware of all this can help you make more accurate decisions.

The information is key and making use of the analysis tools becomes an extra to perform much more beneficial operations for you. You have calendars, graphics, among others, and also market analysis by experts.
The more information and resources you have to invest the better the returns you will get.

7. Invest progressively
When you start do not invest all your capital at once, but investing little by little and gradually increasing it.

I think this is something of logic, that when you just started you can not invest as much capital as when you already have some experience in trading with options. Especially at the beginning you do not want to risk excess capital.

8. Analyze the markets and always look for the best strategy
In point 3 he talked about the importance of defining yourself as an investor and of creating a plan tailored to your needs. Well, let’s say that this plan includes the main objectives but to achieve it you will have to operate, right?
And this is where the importance of learning to analyze the markets correctly comes from and act in one way or another according to the circumstances.
There are many strategies for trading with options and it is good to know how to combine them to always enjoy the best results.

9. Choose the right broker
Once you have all the above points clear, I can tell you that choosing the right broker can make a difference in your operations and that you should be careful when making the decision.

Through here and through the Internet you will find many reviews, and I recommend you review them thoroughly.

10. Analyze your operations whether they are good or not.
To finish, I recommend that you always analyze your operations. When you have an error you have to take it and analyze it to see what happened and try not to happen again.

But what about operations in the money? Well, you also have to analyze them.
If you want to improve your performance it is convenient for you to analyze your complete trading sessions, including the operations that were successful, since you will also be able to see what you are doing well and continue doing it.

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